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Company Apartment for rent

Increase your attractiveness by making it easier
to find accommodation for your future talent.

Whether for new recruits or employees on geographical mobility, the Alia Living residence in Champs-sur-Marne can help you house a professionally mobile population. Stand out from the crowd!


a key asset when hiring new employees

At a time when recruitment is a real challenge, it's more important than ever for a company to attract and retain its employees ! For employees changing jobs, the plus of a housing offer is an indispensable asset when hiring candidates, and in the choice of their future company.

Services to facilitate
arrival in a region

A Community Manager
to support
discovering their home, residence and neighborhood.

to simplify your move
 into your new home

(home insurance, moving, energy...)

A connected home,

broadband internet
and chromacast, home automation, fitted kitchen...

Are you interested?

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