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Owner / Publisher
The Alia Living website is published by LOCACHAMPS SAS, a one-person company with share capital of €1,120,001, headquartered at 6 place de la Pyramide - Tour Majunga La Défense 9, 92800 Puteaux, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 907 968 275 R.C.S.
It is published under the direction of Mr Cédric Lefeuvre, Managing Director of Cabinet Jean Michel Lefeuvre SAS, in his capacity as representative. Cabinet Jean Michel Lefeuvre SAS is a SAS with capital of €500,850, headquartered at 2 rue de Rieux, 44000 Nantes, France, and registered with the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under number 326 650 165 R.C.S.
Administrative contact: contact@alia-living.fr
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02 57 62 08 33
Creative and visual credits
Images and videos: Adobe Stock, Pexels
Illustrations common areas: STUDIO IENA, SAS Servonnat Associés
Residence perspective: CoBe Architecture et Paysage
Photos show apartment: SARL F.BO
Plans 3D: Habiteo
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In accordance with articles L. 111-1 and L. 123-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code, all content on this site (text, images, videos and all media in general) is protected by copyright, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
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